When she talks like the clapper of a bellows 她说起话来舌头就像风箱的响板似的。
Play - the sound of castanet 播放-响板的声音
Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show 打拍者巡游演出中站在一端敲击骨制或木制响板的人
The modern orchestral castanets are , however , hinged on the end of a handle , by means of which they are shaken like a rattle 近代管弦乐团中所用的响板,已改用木柄装置,举手摇动,即可击出声音。
As figured , the camera moves left to right across a classroom at an ever - increasing rate . before doing the same going up and down 掩眼过程原来包含叠印、对割、对倒与黑白摄影等花式,响板音效配合得天衣无缝。
The castanets are used most often to highlight the rhythm of spanish music , especially that of spanish dance music 响板发出之空洞的卡塔声,正如西班牙音乐和舞蹈所具有的特殊节奏那样,也属于纯粹的西班牙风味。
The latter includes most of the smaller percussion instruments , like triangle , tambourine , castanets , cymbal , gong and sleigh bells 而大部份的小型敲击乐乐器都属于后者,当中包括三角铃铃鼓响板铜钹锣及马铃等。
Ben dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the bar , mightily praisefed and all big roseate , on heavyfooted feet , his gouty fingers nakkering castagnettes in the air 盛赞之下,他喜气洋洋,患痛风症的手指仿佛击响板295一般,望空摆动着,打出种种节奏。
Tracing its origin to the spanish word for chestnut - " castane " , the castanet is made up of 2 pieces of shell - like hard wood tied together with a piece of string 响板" castanets "的名称,源于西班牙文" castane " ,中文意译栗子,这是因为两者的形状或结构彼此相似。
The latter includes most of the smaller percussion instruments , like triangle , tambourine , castanets , cymbal , gong and sleigh bells . the tambourine is a small drum with a single calfskin head 而大部份的小型敲击乐乐器都属于后者,当中包括三角铃铃鼓响板铜钹锣及马铃等。