(raising such a fearful din that) the very fowls and dogs have no peace; cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous; drive someone crazy; even cocks and dogs are not in peace.; general unrest [turmoil]; greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox; the extent of the disturbance caused by an invasion army, marauders, etc.: 闹得家内鸡犬不宁 stir the whole family into a tempest
Related Translations:
闹得鸡犬不宁: cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous
Wherever the bandits appear , chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall. but we , the pla , bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go . 匪军到了哪里,就是鸡飞狗跳墙,这叫做“鸡犬不宁”;我们呢,不管到什么地方是“鸡犬不惊”。
In this apartment that won ' t stop spinning 这里可就鸡犬不宁了
In this apartment that won ' t stop spinning 这里可就鸡犬不宁了
Live a cat - and ? dog life 过着鸡犬不宁的生活。
Wherever the bandits appear , chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall . but we , the pla , bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go 匪军到了哪里,就是鸡飞狗跳墙,这叫做“鸡犬不宁” ;我们呢,不管到什么地方是“鸡犬不惊” 。
Her tour to the lakes was now the object of her happiest thoughts ; it was her best consolation for all the uncomfortable hours which the discontentedness of her mother and kitty made inevitable ; and could she have included jane in the scheme , every part of it would have been perfect 她现在心里最得意的一件事便是不久就可以到湖区去旅行,因为既然母亲和吉蒂心里不快活,吵得家里鸡犬不宁,当然一想起出门便使她获得了最大的安慰如果吉英也能参加这次旅行,那就十全十美了。