a word or two; a few isolated words and phrases; a single sentence or words; just a few words (by way of introduction); syllable; words and phrases torn [taken] out of context 短语和例子 未留下只言片语 leave behind not even a single word; 只听见只言片语 catch only a word or two
I heard only a fragment of their conversation 我只听到他们谈话的只言片语
From the chairman of utapau . - hmm 截获了只言片语-嗯
- from the chairman of utapau . - hmm -截获了只言片语-嗯
Then i knew father had left me , without saying anything to me 那时我才知道父亲已经离我而去,没有给我留下只言片语。
It was from words dropped by chance that , little by little , everything was revealed to me 从他的只言片语中,一点一点地,我还是了解了所有的情况。
You all would miss those little thank you and welcomes , if you went without hearing them 要是没了那些"谢谢”和“欢迎”这样只言片语,你们大家都会想念它们的。
Yet both were much more than they seemed , though exactly what they were was another slippery piece of information 然而它们决不是看起来那个样子,尽管准确的消息也是只言片语。
Man in black : ( laughing ) and what is that worth … the promise of a woman … you ' re very funny , highness 韦斯特利: (笑到)只言片语有何价值… …更何况是一个女人的承诺… …你很可笑,殿下。
Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill , even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble 而每一次相见,都令我热血沸腾,哪怕看到的只是你的只言片语,也足以令我神魂颠倒
Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill , even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble 每一次相见都令我热血沸腾,哪怕只是看到你的只言片语也足以令我心跳加速,无法自持