| 1. | When a family member or a friend tells me to do something , i value his / her opinion 当家人或朋友告诉我应该做什么事情时,我会考虑他们的看法。 |
| 2. | They say it can cause problems for families when they want to make summer plans 他们认为当家人想要做一些暑期计划时,全年制教育会让计划面临一些问题。 |
| 3. | She replied , " no , it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry “不,是因为当家人或朋友哭泣的时候,它能支持住对方依靠的头。 |
| 4. | Partners act in a similar way to the board of a company but the partners also make decisions as owners 合伙人的运作有点类似公司董事会,但是合伙人是以“当家人”身份出现的。 |
| 5. | In the past , the head of a big household was well respected as only the rich could afford a big family 以前的人,对一些大家庭的当家人心存敬意,因为只有富有的人才支撑得起一个大家庭的庞大开支。 |
| 6. | At all times , sunlight insists on " human talent is the foundation of corporation " only innovation can put forward unceasing and fast development human 在我司的管理中提出“把下属当子女,把同事当家人”的口号,体现关爱制度。 |
| 7. | At the closed - door conference " masters " of guangdong province and foreign advisors gather together - jointly explore ways to realize modernization in guangdong province ( 2000 . 11 . 15 ) 广东省的“当家人”们和洋顾问围坐一桌? ?共同探索实现现代化途径 |
| 8. | One day , not long after being discharged from the hospital , she was taking a bath with the help of family members , and strangely , they found that she was smiling and looking upward the whole time 今年七月,外婆不小心跌倒,因骨折而住院治疗。出院后不久,有一天当家人帮她洗澡时,发现她眼睛一直往上看,而且不停地微笑,家人都感到很奇怪。 |
| 9. | Some people intend to donate their organs and fill in a donation card , but neglect to inform their families of their wishes . when unfortunate accidents occur , it s hard enough for older people to face the death of their children 持证者并没有向家人表达自己的意愿,以致死后,尤其是白头人送黑头人时,当家人见到器官捐赠证,可能因情绪激动或其他原因,而无法接受已故亲人的意愿。 |
| 10. | About a year ago in ningxia province , china , the mother of a sister initiate passed away . and although the mother was neither an initiate nor a vegetarian , something amazing occurred when the family took her body to the funeral parlor to prepare it for burial 大陆宁夏有一位师姊的母亲一年多前往生,虽然她的母亲没有印心,也没有吃素,但是当家人把她母亲的遗体送到殡仪馆时,却听到了一件很神奇的事。 |