倾吐衷曲: carry [wear] one's heart upon one's sleeve; a heart-to-heart chat [talk]; make a clean breast of; open [uncover] one's heart to; pour out one's heart to; pour out one's thoughts [feelings]
吐露衷曲: outpour one's heart; unbosom oneself; come out with the truth; come out with what is in one's heart of hearts
倾诉衷曲: get sth. off one's chest; pour out one's feelings; pour out one's heart (and soul)
不露衷曲: not reveal one's inner feelings; keep one's counsel
Example Sentences:
She did bring herself, finally, to confess, and to confide in me . 最后她自己招认了,而且向我吐露了衷曲。
Or the wooing of a moonbeam by the june night, had in it a most magical sweet passion . 或如夏夜之向明月吐诉衷曲,抒发着一缕摄人心魄的细细幽情。
It was possibly the lack of fashion in his looks that caused her to select him for her confidence . 也许是他的容貌没有那种时髦派头,因此她选择他作为她诉说衷曲的对象。
We have something to say 我们想向您倾诉衷曲
She did bring herself , finally , to confess , and confide in me : there was not a soul else that she might fashion into an adviser 最后她自己招认了,而且向我吐露了衷曲。除了我,还有谁能作她的顾问。
When jane and elizabeth were alone , the former , who had been cautious in her praise of mr . bingley before , expressed to her sister how very much she admired him 吉英本来并不轻易赞扬彬格莱先生,可是当她和伊丽莎白两个人在一起的时候,她就向她的妹妹倾诉衷曲,说她自己多么爱慕他。
History will witness that the solemnity of life , after being tempered , will finally crack a spring smile , and let the green healthy musical soul play fully the heartfelt emotion to the heaven and earth 历史必将见证,经受磨练的生命的庄严,终于舒开春的笑颜,让苍翠的正气歌魂,向天地畅奏衷曲。
The happiness which this reply produced , was such as he had probably never felt before ; and he expressed himself on the occasion as sensibly and as warmly as a man violently in love can be supposed to do 这个回答简直使他感到从来没有过的快乐,他正象一个狂恋热爱的人一样,立刻抓住这个机会,无限乖巧无限热烈地向她倾诉衷曲。
They had never been closer in their month of love , nor communicated more profoundly one with another , than when she brushed silent lips against his coat ' s shoulder or when he touched the end of her fingers , gently , as though she were asleep 她用无言的嘴唇拂过地上衣的肩头,或者他温柔地碰一碰她的指尖,仿佛她是在睡梦之中,他俩在这一月的相爱中从来没有像这样亲密过,也从来没有像这样深刻地互通衷曲。