| 1. | The echo of the explosion damped itself in the air . 爆炸的回声还萦回在空中。 |
| 2. | The swift fate of holand was in all our minds . 荷兰的急转直下的结局一直在我们的脑际萦回。 |
| 3. | Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory . 温柔的歌声已消逝,音乐仍在记忆里萦回。 |
| 4. | There was a vague something lingering in my thoughts . 我脑子里还影影绰绰萦回着一件什么事情。 |
| 5. | He stood there probing its shadows, tracing its lingering echoes . 他站在那观察它的阴影,追寻萦回不散的回声。 |
| 6. | His mind had traveled into a remote speculation of social conditions of the future . 他的思想萦回在未来社会的远景上。 |
| 7. | The song is ended , but the melody lingers on 歌声虽已结束,但美妙的旋律仍在萦回。 |
| 8. | This i do carry in my head , senator 这个问题确实一真萦回在我的头脑里,参议员先生。 |
| 9. | Police whistle in my ears still 120警笛的响声至今还萦回在我耳际。 |
| 10. | What had once seemed shallow and tedious now loomed in memory like paradise 过去一度认为是浅薄、无聊的事情现在却像天堂美景一样在脑际萦回。 |