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Home > chinese-english > "登高远眺" in English

English translation for "登高远眺"

ascend a height to enjoy a distant view

Related Translations:
远眺:  look far into the distance
极目远眺:  gaze into the distance; strain one's eyes to look at the distance
骋目远眺:  scan distant horizons
举目远眺:  look into the distance
凭栏远眺:  lean on a balcony looking at the distance
倚栏远眺:  lean on the parapet and gaze into the distance; leaning against the railing to see in the distance
伊顿远眺:  ode on a distant prospect of eton college
可以远眺的地方:  a room with a view
远眺依德文特河:  derwent river
你在那夏日向外远眺:  look out on a summer’s day
Example Sentences:
1.It s one the first 4 - star tourism hotels in china . located by the ancient canal , the hotel provides wonderful sightseeing of the wuxi city
2.Distance from city center : 6km , yo railway station : 8km , to airport : 30km the view around : tai hu lake yuantouzhu tai hu happy parkmei park three nation city
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