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English translation for "凭栏远眺"

lean on a balcony looking at the distance

Related Translations:
凭栏:  lean against the railing; lean upon a balustrade
凭栏观望:  lean over the rail looking at..
凭栏乘凉:  lean over the balcony enjoying the breeze
凭栏细听:  lean over the railings to listen quietly
远眺:  look far into the distance
极目远眺:  gaze into the distance; strain one's eyes to look at the distance
骋目远眺:  scan distant horizons
举目远眺:  look into the distance
登高远眺:  ascend a height to enjoy a distant view
倚栏远眺:  lean on the parapet and gaze into the distance; leaning against the railing to see in the distance
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