(比喻有影响的人物发出倡议或号召) make a clarion call; make a public appeal; mount a stone and cry
Example Sentences:
Truck after truck arrived , carrying exotic flowers and rare plants from the local nurseries . effortlessly , we worked and designed at the same time . it was as though we already had a blueprint , and we only had to follow the landscape design and get whatever was required for each site 果然不出所料,工作期间适逢国际禅七,从世界各地涌出数千位菩萨聚集西湖,所以我们登高一呼就有百馀位来自各国的同修加入,大家各领属地各自分工,奇花异草从产地一车车的买入,边做边设计一点都不费力,好像有一张现成的图案,我们只需按图索骥。