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English translation for "有思想准备"

be mentally prepared

Related Translations:
思想准备:  mental preparation
事先思想准备:  pre-conditioning
作好思想准备:  psych oneselfpsychoneself
我对选修必要的基础课有充分的思想准备:  i am fully prepared to undertake appropriate background study
Example Sentences:
1.One must expect that events of a new character will emerge .
2.The girl, who had sufficient observation to perceive that such a course was expected of her, began to reveal the object of her visit .
3.In this context it is now evident that we will need some time to position the public opinion at home in the event that talks break down .
4.When you undertake a benchmarking exercise , the one thing you should always expect is the unexpected
5.1 if parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction , and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment , they would not be so hurt , and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it
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