[ rúlángsìhǔ ] be fierce [savage] as tigers and wolves; as ferocious as wolves and [or] tigers; like cruel beasts of prey; like wolves and tigers; rule the people oppressively
Example Sentences:
Don ' t iet that fooi you because inside i am , iike , a compiete animai .别被我的外表迷惑因为实际上我在床上可是如狼似虎的
All we know is that these horny , older nymphos sure know how to make a young man ' s blood boil 有一点请大家记住,这些正在浪尖上如狼似虎的女人,有足够的技巧让经验不足的嫩小子如醉如仙,热血沸腾!
I would spread it all at the queen ' s road central at noon and watch the pedestrian jostle with the money fiercely - - - that would be fun 中午时,我会全数撒下在皇后大道中,看著人们贪心地,如狼似虎地争夺它们那一定有趣至极
Coding work requires you to have hot blood because your heart needs to be warmed up . so , you become a cold - blooded , warm - hearted , passionate , emotionless hybrid . when i was twinkling with dcel , i got an " internal compiler error c1001 " which didn t make me slightest panic at all because i know there must be somebody else running into it long time ago 黄教授看着眼里心气稍平,继续猛喝啤酒道: “最近,吕老婊子说老寡妇地位未定就是变着法儿为改嫁做借口,都寡居这么多年了还没定下来,真是如狼似虎的年纪了,老相好自己也不知道有多少个,地位未定是不是说嫁给哪个相好做二奶也不定啊?