| 1. | In that case we'll fast . 那样的话,咱们就饿着吧。 |
| 2. | There can be no lasting peace when people are hungry . 只要人们饿着肚子,就不可能有持久的和平。 |
| 3. | Do n't starve the kitten . 别饿着小猫。 |
| 4. | We were in a sorry plight , tired , lost and hungry . 我们疲乏不堪,迷了路又饿着肚子,处境很是窘迫。 |
| 5. | Cows lean and shaggy and looking pinched up by hunger, were greedily tearing at the grass along the ditches . 瘦小的、毛蓬蓬的,显然是饿着的母牛贪心地乱嚼着沟边的野草。 |
| 6. | My meal times took precedence over your meal times 我吃饭的时候.你却饿着肚子 |
| 7. | What use is a vote if you are starving 如果你饿着肚子,选票(对你来说)有什么用? |
| 8. | He was starving too though he hadn t said a word about it 他正饿着肚子,却只字未提。 |
| 9. | We all know you can ' t secure the homeland . . 我们都知道你不能饿着肚子. . |
| 10. | Shall not go afasting in my house i warrant me 既蒙光临小店,就决不会让各位饿着肚子走。 ” |