[ dàoshù ] sc the methods or arts of the buddhist religion
Example Sentences:
Treatment of 41 cases of abdominal distention after alimentary tract operation with liqi hewei decoction 理气和胃汤治疗消化道术后腹胀41例
Finally , hui ang revealed , " your majesty is aware that this magical power belongs to confucius and mocius 然后惠盎又说:大王很明白这种道术就是属于孔子、墨子的道术。
Married to one sector of a club road in the civilian clothes , had two sons , four live in a constant motif in general life 到人界娶了一位会道术的民女为妻,生了两个儿子,一家四口过着世外桃园般的生活。
I have another magical power that can make those people abandon the thought of hurting and killing you , and further respect you and help you 在下有一种道术,可以让那些人不想打您、不想杀您,而且又很尊重您、很想帮助您。
In this film , lao is not a tree monster , she is just a phantom who doesn t share incredible power ; yen is also no longer a taoist ghostbuster , similar to the original novel , he is simply a skillful swordman 燕赤霞并非道术出神入化的得道高人,而只不过是一个剑术出众的凡人剑客姥姥亦非神通广大的树妖,而只是害人的普通老妖。
In this film , lao is not a tree monster , she is just a phantom who doesn t share incredible power ; yen is also no longer a taoist ghostbuster , similar to the original novel , he is simply a skillful swordman 燕赤霞并非道术出神入化的得道高人,而只不过是一个剑术出众的凡人剑客;姥姥亦非神通广大的树妖,而只是害人的普通老妖。