| 1. | In every remark he found a meaning . 别人说的每句话,他都能找出点言外之意来。 |
| 2. | I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel . 听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。 |
| 3. | He gave a long account of his troubles , with the implication that he needed financial aid . 他摆了一大堆困难,言外之意是需要补助。 |
| 4. | A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion . 热辣辣的红晕涌上了少女的脸颊,这说明她知道老人的言外之意。 |
| 5. | Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface . 只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。 |
| 6. | Politeness principle and reasons for implication 论礼貌原则与言外之意的生成 |
| 7. | On politeness principle and illocutionary force 谈礼貌原则解言外之意 |
| 8. | She said very little , but a great deal by implication (她说得很少,但是有许多言外之意。 ) |
| 9. | You can tell what someone wants from what they don ' t say 从别人的言外之意就知道他们要什麽。 |
| 10. | Figure out the meaning of someone ' s words 要留心他人的言外之意 |