| 1. | Yes calculated as a comparator to private sector pay 是与私人机构薪酬水平比较 |
| 2. | Appointment of consultants for the pay level survey 聘任顾问公司进行薪酬水平调查 |
| 3. | Guidelines for the methodology for the pay level survey 设计薪酬水平调查方法守则 |
| 4. | Members of the pay level survey advisory committee 薪酬水平调查谘询委员会委员名单 |
| 5. | No seen only as a guide to reflect market conditions 否只作为市场薪酬水平的指引是 |
| 6. | Members of pay level survey advisory committee 薪酬水平调查谘询委员会成员 |
| 7. | Undertaking research into pay levels and movements 研究薪酬水平和动向。 |
| 8. | Members of the pay level survey advisory 薪酬水平调查谘询委员会成员名单 |
| 9. | Terms of reference of pay level survey advisory committee 薪酬水平调查谘询委员会职权范围 |
| 10. | Private sector companies participating in the pay level survey 参与薪酬水平调查的私营公司 |