| 1. | Transfer of ownership of ships 船舶所有权转让 |
| 2. | The transference of the ownership of a ship shall be made by a contract in writing 船舶所有权的转让,应当签订书面合同。 |
| 3. | The first one is what kind of concept of proprietary we should establish , the mode of abstraction or the mode of enumeration 即,一、我国《海商法》应建立什么样的船舶所有权概念。 |
| 4. | The conclusion is that we should establish the concept of abstraction instead of enumeration . the second one is the question of ship under construction 结论是我国应建立的船舶所有权的概念应当是采用抽象概括式的概念而不应该是具体列举式的概念。 |
| 5. | Article 9 the acquisition , transference or extinction of the ownership of a ship shall be registered at the ship registration authorities ; no acquisition , transference or extinction of the ship ' s ownership shall act against a third party unless registered 第九条船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭,应当向船舶登记机关登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。 |
| 6. | In the circumstance when the ownership of the vessel is continuously transferred , it is the components and materials already taken boat , not the fund paid , should be regarded as the cost of " project in process " 同时阐释在建造船舶所有权连续转移的情况下,应该将已上船的物料、部件而不是已付款项计入“在建工程” ,以正确地反映船东拥有的船舶所有权。 |
| 7. | This paper then focuses on the present condition and the main problems of our country ' s ship - registry regime , taking the shipping practice of our country into account . turning down the view of " develop isr in our country " , this paper provides that the isr is not necessary for us , the focus shall be directed to reformation on our closed ship registry regime , including tax and fee reformation on shipping , the fiscal regime reformation and the reformation on rules of ships " registration 本文针对我国船舶登记制度的现状和存在的主要问题,结合我国的航运实践,反驳了“在我国实行国际船舶登记制度”的观点,提出我国无实施国际船舶登记制度的必要,而是应对原有的船舶登记制度予以改革和完善;如船舶税费和融资体制改革,船舶登记的公信力建设,船舶异议登记的建立和船舶价值登记、技术登记和在建船舶所有权登记的改革等。 |
| 8. | According to the transfer time of vessel ownership stipulated in the ship construction contract , the vessels under building mortgage fin ancing pattern is stated in three different conditions : 1 . the shipyard as the mortgagor when the ownership is transferred after the ship finished building ; 2 . the shipowner as the mortgagor when the ownership is transferred when the ship is just begin to build ; 3 在建船舶抵押融资模式中,根据船舶建造合同中规定的船舶所有权转移时间的不同,作者将融资模式分为,船舶建成交付时转移所有权船厂作为抵押人的融资模式,船舶建造时立即转移所有权船东作为抵押人的融资模式,和船舶建造过程中转移所有权船东作为抵押人的融资模式,分析了三种模式各自的特点和利弊。 |
| 9. | Chapter two distinguishes ship financial leasing from bareboat charter party and bareboat charter party containing lease - purchase clause by theories stated in chapter one , discusses to whom the ownership of the ship under construction belongs is beneficial to the lesser , and states why registering of the ownership of the ship is very important for the lesser 更进一步用这一理论来分析船舶融资租赁交易和船舶光租及租购交易的区别,并对船舶融资租赁中遇到的在建船舶所有权安排问题和船舶所有权登记问题加以探讨。笔者接着探讨了出租人作为所有权人所拥有的重要权利取回权。 |