Ⅰ形容词 1.(事物出现得少) rare; scarce; uncommon 短语和例子 物以稀为贵。 when a thing is scarce, it is precious.2.(事物之间距离远; 空隙大) sparse; scattered 短语和例子 地广人稀 a vast, sparsely populated area; 月明星稀。 the moon is bright and the stars are few.3.(含水多; 稀薄) watery; thin 短语和例子 我想吃点稀的。 i'd like to have some liquid food. 粥太稀了。 this gruel is too thin.Ⅱ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 稀贤 xi xian