Maybe you will want to move before your lease runs out . 也许你打算在租约期满前搬迁。
Philip was sales manager of a restaurant which unfortunately had to be closed down owing to an 菲力是一间酒家的营业经理,他任职的酒家因租约期满,被逼结业。
To explore the possibility of relocating the council s office to premises with lower rent upon the expiry of the current lease in 2005 ; and 于二零零五年租约期满后,寻求将法援局办事处迁至租金较低地点的可能性;
The present practice whereby new leases may be granted to the existing lessees of pfs sites upon expiry of their leases on payment of a premium is discontinued 目前规定汽油站用地的现有租户于租约期满时须缴交土地补价始获批新租约,这项规定现告取消。
We all know that the norm for the duration of leases on residential flats is two years . adjustment of rental before the expiry of the lease is not very common , particularly in the upward direction 大家都知道住宅物业的租约年期一般是两年,而租金很少会在租约期满前调整加租尤其如此。