Engineers would be needed to rebuild his devastated country , he concluded 他悟出,人们需要工程师来重建百废待兴的祖国。
In the period ( 1958 - 1965 ) , escaping from the leading of former soviet union , c 改革开放后,社会建设百废待兴。在教育领域,深受前苏联影响的教育开始复苏。
Nearly every structure in the area had to be rebuilt , especially hospitals and schools , as well as victims homes 灾区百废待兴,医院和学校的重建是当务之急,其次是灾民的家园,整个庞大的重建计画需要国际慈善团体的援助。
Abundant design painting technique and various social rhythms combine , the alternative sense of vision impact promotes the vigor of art market . 100 discard to need an interest 丰富的设计绘画技巧和多种社会节奏结合,另类的视觉冲击提升艺术市场的朝气.百废待兴
The people of hong kong were extremely fortunate in having duncan maclntosh appointed commissioner in 1946 . th police force he took over was decimated , its equipment lost or looted , its stations largely destroyed 麦景陶接管的警队百废待兴,设备不是散失便是遭掠走,警署大多受到破坏,而人手亦不足2 , 000人。