have a hundred things to do; a thousand things wait to be done.; everything is waiting to be taken up.: 战争结束, 百废待举, 人民全力以赴,重建自己的国家。 the war came to an end; many things were waiting to be done. the people had to make every effort to reconstruct their country
Example Sentences:
He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done . 他被那百废待举的形势弄得灰心丧气。
Many things in the country are now waiting to be done , but at present they are not able to do the things all at once . 这个国家现在是百废待举,但目前他们还不能做到百废俱兴。
The war came to an end ; many things were waiting to be done. the people had to make every effort to reconstruct their country . 战争结束,百废待举,人民全力以赴,重建自己的国家。