中国表现说语境中的意象理论: on the imagery theory in the expressionism context in china
男性: 1.(人类两性之一) the male sex; masculinity2.(男人) man◇男性病 andropathy; 男性不育症 [生理学] male sterility; 男性更年期 male climacterium; 男性绝育 male sterilization; 男性女化 effemination; 男性色情狂 satyriasis; 男性生殖器 viri
Also the colours are token from male shades but they are more coloured and soft ; bright colours mixed with dull ones to givestill more femininity 男性意象的色彩,但色彩更加的丰富且较为柔和。亮色彩中混合了较阴暗的色彩,但依然展现女性化的感觉。