become homeless in other countries; be left behind in a place away from one's birthplace or home-town and settle there for better or worse; left behind in a strange land; be stranded in a strange land; lead a wretched life far from home; wander destitute far from home
Related Translations:
流落: wander about destitute; strand; lead a wandering life in poverty 短语和例子他流落在一个陌生的城市里, 身无分文, 一筹莫展。 he was stranded in a strange city without money
People from every country of the diaspora now live in israel 当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列
He had to quit the position and went into exile , having been deprived of his power 他被剥夺了权利之后,他只好辞职,流落他乡。
After he was deprived of his power , this local official had to quit the position and went into exile 这位地方官被剥夺了权利,只好离职,流落他乡。
When i got there and see it was gone , i says to myself , they ve got into trouble and had to leave ; and they ve took my nigger , which is the only nigger i ve got in the world , and now i m in a strange country , and ain t got no property no more , nor nothing , and no way to make my living ; so i set down and cried 我对自个儿说, “准是他们遇到了麻烦,不能不溜之大吉吧。可是他们把我的黑奴也带走了,那是我在世上唯一的一个黑奴啊。如今我流落他乡,身无分文,连生计也没有着落,因此我就趴在地上哭了起来。