| 1. | Every disposable vehicle was sent . 所有能够用得上的车子都派出去了。 |
| 2. | Bayin sent a force in pursuit of him . 莽应里派出一支军队对他进行追击。 |
| 3. | She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment . 她被派出国执行一项艰巨任务。 |
| 4. | The company has agencies in all parts of africa . 该公司在非洲各地设有派出机构。 |
| 5. | The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailor from the sinking ship . 派出了救生艇去营救沉船上的船员。 |
| 6. | Soon the attendants returned who had been dispatched to seize bacchus . 不久,派出去抓巴克斯的随从回来了。 |
| 7. | As quickly as possible, we put a destroyer on the tail of every submarine . 于是我们火速派出驱逐舰跟踪每一艘潜水艇。 |
| 8. | The germans supplied both a senior and a junior technical man . 联邦德国方面只派出一名高级工程师和一名中级技术人员。 |
| 9. | United flight dispatch first send out its own search party, without success . 联航飞行调度处先是派出了它自己的搜索队,但是没有找到。 |
| 10. | Do you think your people will go for sending out american warships to be sunk by u-boats ? 你认为你的人民会赞成把美国的军舰派出去让德国潜艇击沉么? |