Chinese translation for "民信"
- dan tin
Related Translations:
叛民: insurrectionistrebels 伟民: as raymond yipwaimanyip 民医院: bumrungrad international hospital
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Suppression of civil postal office and modernization of postal service 民信局的取缔与邮政的近代化 | | 2. | Minister emerson to visit china 国际贸易部长艾民信出访中国 | | 3. | Notes for an address by the honourable david emerson , minister of international trade and minister for the pacific gateway and the vancouver - whistler olympics at an official dinner with the chinese and canadian business communities 加拿大国际贸易部长兼温哥华-惠斯勒冬奥会专责部长艾民信为中国和加拿大商界正式晚宴准备的讲演稿 | | 4. | Stephen draws on many examples in israel ' s history throughout his speech to show that the jew ' s reliance on their connection with the land and the temple was wrongly founded , and that god could in fact work anywhere 司提反在他的申述里引用了很多以色列历史上的例子来表明犹太民信靠他们和应许之地和圣殿的联系是不对的,神可以在任何地方做工。 |
- Similar Words:
- "民系认同" Chinese translation, "民校" Chinese translation, "民协" Chinese translation, "民心" Chinese translation, "民心所向" Chinese translation, "民兴纺织股份有限公司" Chinese translation, "民刑诉讼" Chinese translation, "民形" Chinese translation, "民醒日报" Chinese translation, "民雄" Chinese translation