| 1. | Walden liked a man who could shoot straight . 沃尔登喜欢坦率正直的人。 |
| 2. | How could the upright man be anything but self-centred ? 正直的人如何能以自我为中心。 |
| 3. | There were still many wise and good men in the country。 国内还有不少聪明和正直的人。 |
| 4. | A good person will always stand against the exploitation of the poor . 一个正直的人将永远反对对穷人的盘剥。 |
| 5. | This kit is one of your honest people, one of your fair characters . 这个吉特是你们其中一个正直的人;一个公道人。 |
| 6. | We can never make sure that the right man will be attracted by scientific research . 我们不能保证正直的人一定对科学研究感兴趣。 |
| 7. | King can not get along without rascal; on the contrary, they should fear to trust the honest and upright . 君主身边不能缺少恶棍流氓。相反,他们倒不敢任用诚实与正直的人。 |
| 8. | And it is to you, mr. president, that i shall out this truth, with all the force of my revolt as an honest man . 总统先生,我要向你倾吐事实真相,作为一个正直的人,我不由义愤填膺,怒发冲冠。 |
| 9. | And he ' s one of the most decent men i ' ve ever known 而且是我所见过的最正直的人 |
| 10. | Well , from what i hear from everyone , he ' s such a mensch 我听说他是个很正直的人 |