心地: a person's mind, character, moral nature, heart, etc.: 心地纯洁 pure in mind; 心地单纯 simple-minded; 心地光明 purehearted; 心地糊涂 muddle-headed; 心地坦白 candid; open; 心地正直 right-mindedness
正直: honest; upright; fair-minded 短语和例子正直的人 an honest person; a person of integrity; 正直无私 upright; without partiality; perfectly just and impartial; perfectly fair and just; impartial; honest;
" the director seems rather fierce , but his heart is in the right place . 局长看上去彷佛挺厉害,但他心地正直。 ”
" the director seems rather fierce , but his heart is in the right place . 局长看上去彷佛挺厉害,但他心地正直。
They carefully integrity of kindness zhuogui qin is the devil and the nature of their responsibilities , admired by the people of zhuogui tianshic zhong kui , that is such a strange strange phase 他们心地正直善良,捉鬼擒魔是他们的天性和责任,人们所仰慕的捉鬼天师钟馗,即是此种奇形怪相。