common fame is seldom to blame.; shoot the bird which takes the lead; the outstanding usually bear the brunt of attack
Example Sentences:
“ to do as the others do ” is a common mentality , so that one will not court danger as the saying goes : “ the bird out of the group will be shot 从众心理是一种普遍心理,跟大家一样,不会出现俗话说的“枪打出头鸟” 。
Very good sides with top players are always there to be shot at and others raise their game for the occasion 这句是说,拥有顶尖球员的优秀球队总是会被认做眼中钉/总是会成为“全民公敌” (有点枪打出头鸟的意思) ,而对阵敌手也因此会格外卖力。
Bbs . ngacn . com as soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil , then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy 好办法,先枪打出头鸟,从5区那些不到60就过了司令的入手,查一下是不是有刷的行为在,抓到就封掉。