显赫: illustrious; celebrated; eminent; impressive 短语和例子显赫的名声 great renown; 显赫一时 be illustrious for some time; become a personage for some time; celebrated for a while; be glorious for a time; 显
The paper said the man gained the trust of patients by claiming to have cured world figures including u . s . first lady laura bush during a recent trip to the white house 一些病人还起诉过这名男子,病人在起诉书中提到,该男子曾宣称自己治愈过众多全球显赫人物的疾病。
A plethora of stars and dignitaries , including portuguese president anibal cavaco silva , prime minister jose socrates and spanish tenor jose carreras , attended the ceremony 这儿有很多的明星和显赫人物,包括葡萄牙总统席尔瓦,副总理若泽?苏格拉底和西班牙男高音歌唱家荷西?卡雷拉斯出席了这次典礼。
A more prudent course , mr bloom said to the not over effusive , in fact like the distinguished personage under discussion beside him , would have been to sound the lie of the land first “更谨慎的做法是, ”布卢姆先生对身旁那个人说,他喜怒哀乐不形于色,事实上挺像他们所正议论着的那位显赫人物, “首先得摸清事物的来去脉。 ”
I would wish to know if the misfortunes which have happened to you - misfortunes entirely beyond your control , and which in no degree diminish my regard for you - i would wish to know if they have not , in some measure , contributed to render you a stranger to the world in which your fortune and your name entitle you to make a conspicuous figure ? 按照您的财产和名份,您就要成为一位显赫人物,我很想知道,您所遭遇的不幸这种不幸绝不是您自己所能应付,因此一点儿都不减少我对您的敬意我很想知道,他们有没有做过什么而让您对快要踏入的那个社会茫然无知? ”