They also wanted side - plots to entertain and help develop the characters 他们还希望有旁门左道的方法可以玩游戏,并且可以帮助完善人物。
By looking further afield , they hope to earn excess returns and narrow their gaping deficits 为获得额外的回报,弥补亏空,它们将目光落在了旁门左道上。
His unorthodox fighting form and mechanical enhancements gave him an edge in close - quarters combat , and his strategic ingenuity and flawless cunning rendered him almost invincible against the jedi 他旁门左道的战斗风格和机器身体的便利使他在近身格斗中占便宜,而他战略上的不拘一格和毫无瑕疵的狡诈心理让他在对抗绝地时几乎无敌。