| 1. | It is said to have a deficit on its balance of payments . 在该国的国际收支表上会出现一项逆差。 |
| 2. | When a country's exports exceed its imports, that part of the balance of payments will show a surplus . 当一个国家的出口大于其进口时,其国际收支表的该项目下就全出现顺差。 |
| 3. | Compile the budget for 16 june 1904 . . s 制订一九0四年六月十六日的收支表。 |
| 4. | Hurricane mitch disaster relief in honduras and nicaragua 援助宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜米契飓风灾民收支表 |
| 5. | Ecord of expenditures flood relief effort in southern thailand units : thai baht 泰国南部水灾赈灾收支表单位:泰铢 |
| 6. | Record of expenditures for flood relief effort of the palawan center , the philippines 菲律宾巴拉湾小中心救援洪水灾民收支表 |
| 7. | An income and expenditure statement with supporting evidence showing the current financial position 一份收支表以证明最近的财政状况, |
| 8. | An income and expenditure statement with supporting evidence showing your current financial position 一份收支表以证明你最近的财政状况, |
| 9. | Track the cash - keep a running balance sheet of every expense you make so you can pinpoint areas where you need to cut back 记录现金流向? ?把每天的花费记录在财务收支表上,这样你就能发现哪里是你需要削减的花费。 |