| 1. | The curious thing was, she was outfaced . 古怪的是,她被慑住了。 |
| 2. | The ladies retired, with the most killing grace . 小姐们走出房间的时候,风度的潇洒真有勾魂慑魄的力量。 |
| 3. | The eye of the boa-constrictor, while fascinating its prey, is lovely . 蟒蛇的眼睛在慑住猎物时是可爱的。 |
| 4. | His eyes were now attracted by the most conspicuous feature of lahaina . 拉哈伊纳最奇丽的景色慑住了他的心神。 |
| 5. | She was transfixed upon the threshold by a spectacle which held her there . 她被一个场面慑住僵在门槛上不会动了。 |
| 6. | I sighed in astonishment-the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpowering . 我吃惊地叹息着--这匆匆书写下来的无限愁怆之中有一股慑人心魂的力量。 |
| 7. | Her arrogant behaviour on court psyched her opponent ( out ) completely 她在法庭上那盛气凌人的样子把对方完全镇慑住了 |
| 8. | Cd 2vcd pack , featuring 9 pieces of franz liszt works played by yundi li 收录1010电视广告音乐la campanella及多首慑人作品 |
| 9. | Everything , including the sitters , seems to be made of bakelite 画家以近乎超现实主义的慑人心魄的犀利笔触对画面进行了艺术处理。 |