He neither blushed, nor looked away, nor looked conscious . 他既不脸红,也不左顾右盼,也不忸怩不安。
Julia looked hard at the thessalian for some moments in rather an embarrassed silence . 朱莉亚一言不发,忸怩不安地盯着这个底萨莱人看了一会儿。
They were big and shy and embarrassed and very appreciative together of anything that happened . 他们俩个子大,很害臊,忸怩不安,凡事体贴人意。
One boy, who lived across the street, called on me one afternoon and his self-consciousness betrayed him . 一天下午住在大街对面儿的一个男孩子来看我,他那忸怩不安的表现泄露了他内心的想法。
Bingley , she had likewise seen for an instant , and in that short period saw him looking both pleased and embarrassed 她也望了彬格莱一眼,立即就看出他又是高兴,又是忸怩不安。
And he could be silent in that way for several hours at a time , neither experiencing nor causing in others the slightest embarrassment 他能这样接连几个小时默不作声,一点也不觉得忸怩不安,而且不让他人产生这种感觉。