| 1. | Inquiry and analysis of the cause of guo songtao ' s seclusion 郭嵩焘归隐缘由之探析 |
| 2. | The research of wang ting - gui resignation and retirement 王庭?辞官归隐考辨 |
| 3. | On the differences of withdrawal of xie lingyun and tao yuanming 试论谢灵运与陶渊明归隐的差异性 |
| 4. | Master bai yuchan , the founder of the inner elixir southern sect in taoism 白玉蟾的求道之旅及归隐之乡 |
| 5. | A preliminary study of the carrying on and innovates of tao yuanming by du fu 试论苏轼认同陶渊明却终未归隐之原因 |
| 6. | The hermits ' motivations of withdrawing from society and the roads towards it of tang dynasty 谈唐代隐士的隐逸动机与归隐之路 |
| 7. | Retirement does not always secure virtue , lot was upright in the city , wicked in the mountain 归隐并不总是等于美德,城市里有好人,大山里也有恶徒 |
| 8. | However , inspired by your foster father ' s tales of adventure , you are not content with a cloistered life 然而,在你养父冒险故事的熏陶下,你又无法满足于归隐的生活。 |
| 9. | The third is the direction for the lost man given by kong , i . e . as a hermit on recluse 第三主题是孔尚任为穷途末路的人们指出了迷津归隐山林,读书吟诗,渔樵度日,静观世变,即人生空幻归桃源。 |
| 10. | Instead , he prowled the country in the guise of an old testament prophet with audio - visual aids , warning of the dangers of climate change 但戈尔并没有因此而归隐,而是像旧约中先知一样,视听上的辅助,走遍美国,告诫人们气候变化所带来的危险。 |