| 1. | The causes and corporal punishment or that in disguised form being not completely banned 体罚和变相体罚屡禁不止的原因和预防对策 |
| 2. | Reasons that illegal individual clinic cannot be eliminated after repeating forbiddance and countermeasures 非法个体诊所屡禁不止的原因及对策思考 |
| 3. | So , the action that so many people who have no right just pickup and counterfeit it is out of control 正因如此,无权使用人搭便车及假冒侵权等行为层出不穷、屡禁不止。 |
| 4. | But there exists many defects in each country ' s related legislation , which leads to the flooding of insider trading 但各国立法对内幕交易的界定却存在各种各样的缺陷,致使内幕交易屡禁不止。 |
| 5. | The failure in the prohibition of vendor ' s stands is a " problem left over from history " in china ' s urbanization process 摘要中国城市化进程中的小商贩屡禁不止的现象可以算得上是“历史遗留问题” 。 |
| 6. | Why do some new problems come forth in the exploitation of marine fishery resource and not put down repeatedly 海洋渔业可持续发展的基本内涵是什么?为什么在海洋渔业开发中会出现众多问题且屡禁不止 |
| 7. | The phenomena of accounting information falsity of listed corporations have surfaced now and then , and the trend is getting worse 近年来,上市公司会计信息失真现象层出不穷、屡禁不止,而且有愈演愈烈之势。 |
| 8. | A black market in foreign currency already exists as speculation persists that the government , unable to meet its obligations , may be forced to devalue 由于投机买卖屡禁不止,外币交易黑市已然形成,因此无法尽职尽责的政府或许将被迫对货币进行贬值。 |
| 9. | With the development of the computer techniques , difficulties of forging seal decline . therefore economic crimes caused by forgery seals are hard to be forbidden 随着计算机技术的不断发展,伪造印章印鉴的难度大大下降,从而导致伪造印鉴引起的犯罪活动屡禁不止。 |
| 10. | False statements from reports of some listed companies appear repeatedly , which is because regulations about false statement ' s civil liability in security law are too abstract and short of operation 上市公司报告中虚假陈述现象屡禁不止。 《证券法》有关虚假陈述的民事责任的规定太抽象,缺乏操作性。 |