be addicted to the pleasures of song and women, hunting and racing; carnal pleasures; drown oneself in sex and pleasures; have every luxury; music and women, keeping dogs and riding horses -- sensual pleasures
The fifties were ten years of foreplay 五十年代简直就是声色犬马,酒色财气的十年。
As i recall , i had braved the winds and storms of life , pursuing fame and gold , long entrapped in sensuality and passion 念往昔,风风雨雨多少年,一直在功名利禄上翻滚,在声色犬马边打转。
During every travel , qianlong enjoyed the wonderful scenery of the country , tasted good wine , enjoyed beauties of the south of the changjiang river and playing and singing 乾隆每次游幸,极尽其乐,观赏山川胜景,品味美酿,享受江南美人,声色犬马之中自然少不了笙歌弹奏。
Humanism spirit & humanism value rational concept which bring happy life , rich spirit , sublime morality firm belief , peaceful soul to people , immerse the flood of technical ration and utilitarianism . people who lost the instruction of humanism value idea indu1ge themselves material chasing , suffer spiritual tortures and soul loneliness bet ' terly . waver in the wind and rain under the control of materialized technologized , numberized world 真正的给人们带来生活幸福、精神丰富、道德高尚、信仰坚定、心灵安宁的人文精神与人文价值理念则被淹没在技术理性和功利主义的滚滚洪流中,而失去人文价值理念指导的人类则在声色犬马的物质追求与享受中,痛苦的经受着精神的煎熬与灵魂的孤独,在物质化、技术化、数字化的世界中风雨飘摇,左右摇摆。