She returned to the charge the next evening, and requested her niece to confide in her . 第二天晚上,她又回师发起攻势,请侄女向她倾诉衷肠。
Once master reminded us that we should greet each other and her with closed palms since we often appear to be too serious and cold 有一回师父鉴于我们太过冷漠,提醒我们见面要打招呼,见到师父也是一样。
In february 1925 , when dr . sun was ill , chen jhiung - ming seized the opportunity to invade canton from swatow . luckily , the late president chiang led his three thousand huang - pu troops and suppressed the szechwan and hunan rebellion 十四年二月,陈炯明以国父北上卧病,竟自潮汕进攻广州,蒋公督率军校三千人东征,继复回师广州,戡定了滇桂军之乱。
Besides , now i had another use for lemons . retrospectively , every time master gave me an assignment , either one of " national importance " or just to pass a message , i would proceed with perfect awe and discretion 走笔至此,联想起每回师父交待我做任何事,不管是国家大事,或是跑跑腿传个话,我总是小心翼翼毕恭毕敬,大气不敢喘地执行任务,唯恐误了佛菩萨度众生的生死大事。
Jackie would go on to make a number of films for wei , none of which were huge sucesses . how chan kong - sang yuen lo became jackie chan in 1976 , after joining his parents in australia , he decided he had to work to earn some money while he was there 成白天当武师,晚上回师傅家睡觉,辗转就是十七岁了,成满师的日子也快到了,结业那天,依照老例,徒弟满师需向师父下跪叩头,以谢师父提携之恩。
In our third counter - campaign , although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li , and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him , we nevertheless exercised patience , turned back , changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre , and finally fought the first battle successfully at lientang 第三次反“围剿”虽是那样急风暴雨的局面,千里回师,又被敌人发觉了我们迂回其侧后的计划,但我们仍忍耐折回,改用中间突破,终于在莲塘打着第一个好仗。
To kutuzov , his object was as clear as daylight : in case of the defence being unsuccessful , to throw the blame on kutuzov , who had brought the army as far as the sparrow hills without a battle ; in case of its being successful , to claim the credit ; in case of it not being attempted , to clear himself of the crime of abandoning moscow 库图佐夫明白如昼地看到了他的目的:如果保卫战失败把过失推给库图佐夫,是他不战而回师麻雀山,但假如成功呢则记在自己帐上,要是不采纳建议么则可为自己开脱放弃莫斯科的罪责。
However , the day when i placed the precious blessed cardboard under my tent , i felt that i had something to rely on . before sleeping , i sincerely knelt down on the cardboard , put my palms together , and prayed to master , " please wake me up very early tomorrow morning so that i can brush my teeth and wash my face before everyone else wakes up , enabling me to walk leisurely to the distant group meditation area . 这日搬回师父赐的宝物,心中顿觉有了依靠,就寝前便非常虔诚地跪在纸箱上,双手合十向师父祈求:隔天一定要很早很早把我叫醒,避开和大队人马挤着漱洗,再从容地散步到遥远的集合场共修。