| 1. | On some problems concerning the acquisition in good faith 善意取得若干问题探讨 |
| 2. | On acquisition of real property in good faith 动产善意取得制度若干问题探讨 |
| 3. | A study of the components of the good faith obtaining system 论所有权善意取得的构成要件 |
| 4. | Discussion on mortgage of acquisition in good faith 论抵押权的善意取得 |
| 5. | On the real estate ' s obtainment of good faith 不动产可适用善意取得制度 |
| 6. | On the improvement of the system of acquisition in good faith 试论我国善意取得制度的完善 |
| 7. | On the acquisition in good faith of real estate 论不动产的善意取得制度 |
| 8. | Research on certain questions about bona fide chattel acquisition 不动产善意取得之新认识 |
| 9. | On acqusition in good faith about real estate 试论不动产之善意取得 |
| 10. | Acquisition in good faith and credit principle 善意取得与公信原则 |