| 1. | Palmer kirby worked in the borderline where commerce exploited science . 巴穆柯比的工作处于商业和科学之间,其性质是商业利用了科学。 |
| 2. | The research on protection of intangible property of our athletes 运动员人格标识商业利用的法律研究 |
| 3. | The infringements of integrate circuit layout design include illegal reproduction , illegally commercial use , etc . which are very dangerous to the society 布图设计侵权行为主要表现为非法复制、非法商业利用等,社会危害性很大。 |
| 4. | Reproducing or putting into commercial exploitation of one ' s own independently created layout - design that is identical with the layout - design of another person (三)对自己独立创作的与他人相同的布图设计进行复制或者将其投入商业利用的。 |
| 5. | Putting into commercial exploitation of a protected layout - design , integrated circuit incorporating a layout - design or article incorporating an integrated circuit (二)将受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品投入商业利用。 |
| 6. | However , a layout - design , whether or not it is registered or put into commercial exploitation , is not protected under the regulations after fifteen years of its invention 但是,无论是否登记或者投入商业利用,布图设计自创作完成之日起15年后,不再受本条例保护。 |
| 7. | Production based on the new method can start at the firm ' s plant in sas van gent in 2009 , though it will take longer for most of the new feedstocks to become commercially viable 这项新的生产工艺将会从2009年开始在该公司位于萨斯范根特市的工厂内投入使用,但若想让大象粪便能够得到大规模的商业利用则还需要更长一些的时间。 |
| 8. | Commercial exploitation means an act of importing , selling , or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout - design , an integrated circuit incorporating a protected layout - design or an article incorporating an integrated circuit (五)商业利用,是指为商业目的进口、销售或者以其他方式提供受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品的行为。 |
| 9. | Article 12 the duration of protection for layout - design exclusive rights is ten years starting from the date of application for registration of the layout - design or from the date of putting it into commercial exploitation somewhere in the world , whichever is the earlier date 第十二条布图设计专有权的保护期为10年,自布图设计登记申请之日或者在世界任何地方首次投入商业利用之日起计算,以较前日期为准。 |
| 10. | In members requiring registration as a condition of protection , the term of protection of layout - designs shall not end before the expiration of a period of 10 years counted from the date of filing an application for registration or from the first commercial exploitation wherever in the world it occurs 在要求将注册作为保护条件的成员中,布图设计保护期不得少于从注册申请的提交日起、或从该设计于世界任何地方首次付诸商业利用起10年。 |