| 1. | He still faces state dogfighting charges in virginia that are punishable by up to five years in prison 他仍面临维吉尼亚州的斗狗控告?最高可判处五年期徒行。 |
| 2. | Three years . section 28 of the mro , on the other hand , prohibits people from using the titles of medical practitioners or specialists without 另外,该条例第28条禁止所有人未经注册使用医生或专科医生的名衔,违例者经定罪后可判处罚款及监禁三年。 |
| 3. | Any person convicted of the offence of conspiracy to defraud under the common law and punishable under the crimes ordinance is liable to imprisonment for 14 years 任何人干犯串谋行骗罪行而一经定罪(根据普通法和《刑事罪行条例》罚则) ,可判处入狱1 4年。 |
| 4. | Any person convicted of the offence of conspiracy to defraud ( under the common law and punishable under the crimes ordinance ) is liable to imprisonment for 14 years 任何人干犯串谋行骗罪行而一经定罪(根据普通法和《刑事罪行条例》罚则) ,可判处入狱14年。 |
| 5. | Council considered whether discretion to waive means test should be extended from " capital offences " to other serious criminal offences punishable by life sentence 本局考虑了这项豁免经济审查的酌情权应否由“死刑罪行”扩大至可判处终身监禁的其他严重刑事罪行。 |
| 6. | In an attempt to reduce academic fraud , china ' s supreme court recently ruled that people caught forging gradation diplomas could face criminal charges and up to three years in jail16 为了减少学术上的欺诈行为,中国最高法院最近裁定:制造假文凭的人被查获后要受到犯罪的指控,并可判处3年以下监禁。 |
| 7. | Police reiterate that drug trafficking is a serious offence and offenders may be liable to a maximum penalty of life imprisonment . police will spare no efforts in cracking down such illegal activities in future 警方重申贩毒乃严重罪行,干犯者最高可判处终身监禁,警方将不遗馀力打击此类不法活动。 |
| 8. | Failure to observe these conditions and requirements may lead to prosecution and , on conviction , fines andor imprisonment , and in serious cases , suspension or revocation of the licence 持牌人不遵守这些条件和规定会被检控,一经定罪,可判处罚款及或监禁,情节严重者,注册主任可暂时吊销或撤销其牌照。 |
| 9. | Drug addicts found guilty of an offence punishable by imprisonment maybe sentenced to a drug addiction treatment centre . they can be detained for two to 12 months , depending on their progress 经法庭裁定触犯可判监禁罪的吸毒犯,可判处在戒毒所接受戒毒治疗,为期两个月至12个月不等,视乎个别犯人的进度而定。 |