| 1. | Ap and upi had flashed bulletins nationwide and overseas . 美联社和合众国际社已经火速地向全国和海外发布了新闻简报。 |
| 2. | The company issued a press release to try to stop speculating its shares . 公司发布了新闻稿以期遏止对其股票的投机活动。 |
| 3. | They issue an update an update on the snow forecast 他们发布了最新的降雪预报。 |
| 4. | Now that you have a web site , you can publish it 现在已经有了网站,可以发布了。 |
| 5. | Chinese version rwppi website is newly launched 9 15 最新发布了中文版网页9 15 |
| 6. | Tropical storm warning is up for the bahamas 巴哈马群岛已发布了热带风暴警报。 |
| 7. | Since you have only published one service , the 因为您只发布了一个服务,所以将显示 |
| 8. | The oecd issued its latest economic outlook 经合组织发布了最新一期经济展望。 |
| 9. | They just issued a tornado warning in los angeles 他们刚刚在洛杉矶发布了飓风警报 |
| 10. | The government announced its new economic policies 政府发布了新的经济政策。 |