Formation causes of nalan xinde ' s poems in sad and sweet style 纳兰性德凄婉词风形成原因试论
" life singing " : sad style tells us the love story through life and death 《生之欢歌》 :凄婉的风格讲述了爱能穿越生死的故事。
She exclaimed , in so plaintive an accent that it seemed to stifle a sob ; " really , you pain me . “什么,又拒绝! ”她的声音凄婉,似乎在竭力抑制哭泣。
I waited and waited for you , she went on , her tones suddenly resuming their old fluty pathos “我等你等了又等。 ”她继续说,说话的时候又突然恢复了从前的凄婉音调。
Drouet also was beside himself . he was resolving that he would be to carrie what he had never been before 她是那么孤弱无助,那么悲伤凄婉,又那么妩媚动人,楚楚可怜。
The music is recomposed based on famous chinese violin concerto butterfly lovers with a beautiful and sad tragedy love story behind 此曲根据中国著名小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》改编;音乐描绘了一个美丽、凄婉、动人的爱情故事。
Being a famous poetry mourning for deceased wife , jiangchengzi - dream of 1 , 20th , 1075 by sushi has earned high marks from people for nearly one thousand years 摘要苏轼悼念亡妻的《江城子?乙卯正月二十日夜记梦》一词千百年来脍炙人口,传达的凄婉哀思更是感人至深。
Tagore ' s plaintive and sadly moving description of the heroines ' death has a close relation with his life experience of losing many family members 她们的死被泰戈尔描写得凄婉而悲哀,这与泰戈尔本人亲历众多亲人死亡的生活经历有密切的关系,也体现了他“宇宙一体,梵我合一”的思想。
Thanks to anita mui , thanks to her red hot lips , thanks to her bonny figure , thanks to her sorrowful expression , and thank her for fulfilling kwan kim pang ' s first trial of a tragedy 感谢梅艳芳,感谢她的红唇烈焰,感谢她的骨瘦如柴,感谢她抿唇颌首的凄婉神情,感谢她成就了关锦鹏首度隐忍的悲剧性!
His persistent and sentimental mentalities , particular creating style , and modes of expressing the emotion are all reflected in his poems of demotion , which are frank and sincere , grievous and indignant 他执着恋阙的心态和特有的创作风格及情感表现方式,体现出贬谪经历在其诗歌创作中打下的深刻烙印:率意直露、凄婉抒愤。