Your f ace is pale and blue , a tearful smile 君面容苍白,神情凄切,含泪而笑。
Your f ace is pale and blue , a tearful ile 君面容苍白,神情凄切,含泪而笑。
Mi trema un poco il . beautiful on that tre her voice is : weeping tone 44唱到tre这个音节时,她的嗓音多么圆润,声调有多么凄切。
They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music turc and slav together in a tableau of fairytale unity 在一个童话般团结的戏剧性场面中,他们? ?土库曼人和斯拉夫人? ?伴随著凄切的音乐在摇摆和轻声歌唱。
They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music ? turc and slav together ? in a tableau of fairytale unity 在一个童话般团结的戏剧性场面中,他们? ?土库曼人和斯拉夫人? ?伴随着凄切的音乐在摇摆和轻声歌唱。
Led by her , i passed from compartment to compartment , from passage to passage , of a large and irregular building ; till , emerging from the total and somewhat dreary silence pervading that portion of the house we had traversed , we came upon the hum of many voices , and presently entered a wide , long room , with great deal tables , two at each end , on each of which burnt a pair of candles , and seated all round on benches , a congregation of girls of every age , from nine or ten to twenty 说真的好看上去像个助理教师,后来我发现果真如此,我被她领着在一个形状不规则的大楼里,走过一个又一个房间,穿过一条又一条过道,这些地方都是那么悄无声息,甚至还有几分凄切。后来我们突然听到嗡嗡的嘈杂的人声,顷刻之间便走进了一个又阔又长的房间,两头各摆着两张大木板桌。每张桌子上点着两支蜡烛,一群年在九岁十岁到二十岁之间的姑娘,围着桌子坐在长凳上。