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Chinese translation for "信手拈来"

[ xìnshǒuniānlái ] 
have one's words at hand; have material, etc. at one's fingertips; skillful or dextrous in the handling of material, data, etc. in writing articles; write without stopping to reflect; write freely without too much hesitation; have words, material, etc. at one's fingertips and write with facility; take it off with the hand

Related Translations:
信手拈来之道:  tao of the thousand bees
Example Sentences:
1.His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the white house .
2.The death of ben roselli attracted international press coverage and some news writers, reaching for the nearest cliché, labelled it "an era's end" .
3.Spend the afternoon sipping on a cup of terrace coffee and soaking up the atmosphere
4.Mskennedy manages to make every battle truism fresh ? in particular , the clich about how “ you never feel so alive ”
5.The death of ben roselli attracted international press coverage and some news writers , reaching for the nearest clich , labelled it " an era ' s end "
本罗塞利逝世的噩耗轰动国际报界,有些记者信手拈来陈腐的套语,称班老头之死标志着“一个时代就此告终” 。
6.The seeds must be carefully chosen ; they must fall on good ground ; they must be sedulously tended , if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed
7.The idea that the government could scoop up an american citizen and detain him indefinitely without charge struck some people as odd . unconstitutional , even
8.Intuition by definition is quick - and - ready insight , but it ' s different from the knee - jerk reactions we often have out of fear , anger , or sadness
直觉是一种迅速-和- ”信手拈来“的洞察力,但是它有别于我们当出于害怕,生气,或者悲伤产生的那些( “大脑” ) “膝跳反射” 。
9.Languages exist by arbitrary institutions and conventions among peoples ; words , as the dialecticians tell us , do not signify naturally , but at our pleasure
10.But love = feeling is a false equation that they pick up from the media and the environment in general , leading very often to wrong decisions and heartbreak later on
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