| 1. | The apostle paul wrote it in about a . d . 54 - 55 使徒保罗于主后54 - 55年间。 |
| 2. | Paul ' s words in galatians reinforce this point for us 使徒保罗在加拉太书中重申了这一点。 |
| 3. | The apostle paul wrote it in about a . d . 55 使徒保罗写于约主后55年。 |
| 4. | The apostles peter and paul lived at the same time as jesus 使徒彼得和使徒保罗生活在同一时期。 |
| 5. | Saint paulsaid to the corinthians 使徒保罗对哥林多人说 |
| 6. | The most striking evidence of the res ? urrection of jesus is the apostle paul 耶稣复活最有力的证据在于使徒保罗。 |
| 7. | The apostle paul wrote it sometime during his imprisonment in rome , around a . d . 60 - 62 使徒保罗写于主后60 - 62年间,当时他在罗马的监狱里。 |
| 8. | These chapters largely focus on the apostle paul , the church ' s first great missionary 这部分集中记述了使徒保罗? ?教会历史上最伟大的传道士的事迹。 |
| 9. | What would be most important contribution apostle paul had done to the christian church ? please explain 你个人认为,使徒保罗对基督教会最大的贡献是甚麽?试解释说明之。 |
| 10. | How does this fit with the issue of the many members of the one body that apostle paul discussed in chapter 12 这种情况可以怎麽和使徒保罗在林前十二章所陈述的内容做连结呢? |