| 1. | I always did detest a welcher . 我的确一直憎恨无信之徒。 |
| 2. | He is a gluttonous and lazy guy . 他是个好吃懒做之徒。 |
| 3. | He is an unscrupulous rogue. no one believes him .. 他是一个刁滑之徒,没有人相信他。 |
| 4. | The whole thing is amateur romancing, very badly done . 整篇东西就是浅薄之徒的虚构,写得非常蹩脚。 |
| 5. | On your knees, every rascal of you, and salute the king ! 你们这些无赖之徒,还不快一个个双膝跪倒,向国王行礼称臣! |
| 6. | For among julia's friends there was a kind of gerontophilia snobbery . 因为在朱莉娅的朋友中有一些过分敬老的势利之徒。 |
| 7. | That is a woman that is not to joke about. not even by a cynic like you . 她不是可以拿来取笑的女人,哪怕象你那样的玩世不恭之徒也不能。 |
| 8. | You're a turncoat, a time-server, a shameful, unscrupulous opportunist . 你是一个变节分子,是个趋炎附势之徒!是个肆无忌惮不要脸的机会主义者! |
| 9. | Those "shameless" people who choose to live in unearned idleness have a good conscience too . 那些乐意过不劳而获的悠闲岁月的“无耻”之徒也心安理得。 |
| 10. | But he handles his pathetic characters with an acute sympathy, and his obnoxious ones with acute distaste . 不过,他同情笔下可怜的人物,鄙夷可憎之徒 |