[ yǐjǐduòrén ] judge others by oneself; measure another man's foot by one's own last; measure others after oneself; measure other people's corn by one's own bushel
Example Sentences:
He measures another ' s corn by his own bushel 用自己的标准衡量别人;以己度人。
Don ' t measure other people ' s corn by your own bushel 别用自己的斗去量别人的谷;勿以己度人。
Every shoe fits not every foot 不能以己度人。
What great people arrive and tries to do something , superficial people also ask superficial for his motivation : you want to be the king 缘何当君子欲济苍生天下之时,总有肤浅的人以己度人:你想成为王吗?
One should know and judge others by truth , rather than by narrow thought and eye in order to form a correct recognition of others 要全面、正确地认识自己和他人,就必须排除种种人际知觉误区的干扰,既不一概而论、以偏盖全,也不以己度人、张冠李戴,而应实事求是,具体情况具体分析。