| 1. | Historical drought and water 历史时期渭河中下游平原水旱灾害 |
| 2. | Millet is cultivated in the middle or lower reaches of the yellow river 在黄河中下游地区,人们种植谷子。 |
| 3. | Perfect morphology of meandering river for middle and lower reaches of hanjiang river 汉江中下游河道最佳弯道形态 |
| 4. | Quality status of wheat cultivars in the mid - lower reaches of the yangtze river 长江中下游麦区小麦品种品质现状分析 |
| 5. | Ecological security ; environment change ; oasis ; the middle and lower heiher river 生态安全环境变化绿洲黑河中下游 |
| 6. | Analysis on ecological security changes of the oases in the middle and lower heiher river 黑河中下游绿洲生态安全变化分析 |
| 7. | Wetland protection and basin management in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river 长江中下游湿地保护与流域生态管理 |
| 8. | Analysis of soil erosion tendency in the liaohe river basin using remote sensing and gis 支持下辽河中下游土壤侵蚀遥感动态分析 |
| 9. | Three topics on the countryside pawnshop in the middle and lower yangtze river in modern times 近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题 |
| 10. | The study on wetland landscape evolution of the chaoyanggang lagoon based on 3s technologies 塔里木河中下游地区湿地景观格局变化 |