Angrily i consoled myself with the dubious theory that bad luck runs in three . 我气得只好用那不足为凭的“坏事不过三”的说法来安慰自己。
Although it had such an insignificant beginning, the rumour had grown and increased in detail and importance day by day . 尽管谣言的起因是如此不足为凭,但东传西传便渐渐加油添醋,增加了重要的内容。
A promise given under a threat is worthless 威逼之下的保证不足为凭。
Mere report is not enough to go upon 仅是传闻不足为凭
Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest of evidence 往往由于证据不足为凭带来许多免职或推迟审理的事情。
I would further add that there are reliable witnesses in paris for most of the particulars which i bring together here , and they could vouch for their accuracy should my word not be enough 此外,我记录在这里的大部分事实,在巴黎还有其他的见证人如果光靠我说还不足为凭的话,他们也可以为我出面证实。
I would further add that there are reliable witnesses in paris for most of the particulars which i bring together here , and they could vouch for their accuracy should my word not be enough 此外,我记录在这里的大部分事实,在巴黎还有其他的见证人;如果光靠我说还不足为凭的话,他们也可以为我出面证实。
Again i reflected : i scarcely knew what school was : bessie sometimes spoke of it as a place where young ladies sat in the stocks , wore backboards , and were expected to be exceedingly genteel and precise : john reed hated his school , and abused his master ; but john reed s tastes were no rule for mine , and if bessie s accounts of school - discipline gathered from the young ladies of a family where she had lived before coming to gateshead were somewhat appalling , her details of certain accomplishments attained by these same young ladies were , i thought , equally attractive 不过他的感受不足为凭。如果贝茜关于校纪的说法她来盖茨黑德之前,从她主人家一些年轻小姐那儿收集来的有些骇人听闻,那么她细说的关于那些小姐所学得的才艺,我想也同样令人神往。她绘声绘色地谈起了她们制作的风景画和花卉画谈起了她们能唱的歌,能弹的曲,能编织的钱包,能翻译的法文书,一直谈得我听着听着就为之心动,跃跃欲试。