[ bùyì ] [书面语] 1.(不料) unexpectedly; to one's surprise 短语和例子 不意大雨如注, 无法启程。 unexpectedly it poured with rain and it was impossible to start off.2.(没想到) unawareness; unpreparedness 短语和例子 不意之中 in a moment of carelesness; 出其不意 , 攻其无备 catch sb. unprepared; take sb. by surprise; 利用敌人的错觉和不意来争取自己的主动 exploit the enemy's misconceptions and unpreparedness to gain the initiative
袭其不意: catch [attack] one unprepared; catch a weasel asleep 短语和例子在攻击对方时, 必须袭其不意, 才能占上风。 it is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage
乘其不意: take advantage of sb.'s ignorance [unpreparedness]
不意大雨如注无法启程: unexpectedly it poured with rain and it was impossible to start off. unawareness
隐蔽静候以出人不意: lie in wait be hidden waiting to surprise sb
出奇不意的认识了你: i don 't know how i found youi don’t know how i found you
在攻击对方时必须袭其不意才能占上风: it is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage
Example Sentences:
Unexpectedly it poured with rain and it was impossible to start off . 不意大雨如注,无法启程。
It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage . 在攻击对方时,必须袭其不意,才能占上风。
The creation of an employee suggestion system does not imply an administrative monster . 建立职工建议制度不意味行政机构的膨胀。
Although strain gage balances have been most useful in transonic and supersonic tunnels, they are by no means excluded from lowspeed work . 虽然,应变天平最适用于接近音速和跨超音速风洞,但丝毫不意味着不能用于低速实验。
Nor did it mean interference in creation by souls 这也不意味着干涉灵魂的创造。
Being young doesn ' t mean you have a right to lie 年轻也不意味着你有权利撒谎!
It will happen by surprise in any place and time 它会随时随地且出奇不意地发生。
It ' s no surprise that he ' s doing well in school 他在学校表现良好,一点都不意外。
Shakes don ' t mean nothing . ask my last 1 2 wins 颤栗不意味着有事,我赢了12次
Doesn ' t mean we ' ll be able to find the video , though 不过这也不意味我们能找到录像带