倒胃口: spoil one's appetite; get fed up 短语和例子一见它就倒胃口 feel sick at the sight of it
它: 代词(称人以外的事物) it 短语和例子把它拿到厨房去。 take it to the kitchen. 这把雨伞你把它带上。 take this umbrella with you. 这杯酒你喝了它。 drink this glass of wine
见: Ⅰ动词1.(看到; 看见) see; catch sight of 短语和例子亲眼所见 see with one's own eyes; see for oneself; 所见所闻 what one sees and hears; 一见钟情 fall in love at first sight; 只见一个人影闪过墙角 catch sight of sb. turning